* bless your deck (fill it with positive energy, hold it in your hands and set your intention )

* take a deep breath and shuffle the cards, keeping in mind whatever you’d like insight into. You can ask a question or simply ask “what do I need to know right now ? “

Decide how many cards you’d like to pull and then pull them from the top of the deck.

Read the words from Spirit but also but FEEL into the messages coming through. The reason this deck doesn’t come with a guidebook is because I would like you to rely upon your own intuition. Trust yourself.

You’ll know when to stop shuffling either by feeling it, hearing it or just knowing it.

You may also like to using some card spreads to assist you in focusing on specific queries you might have.

I’ve included these here :

(Is there a link I can give them ? )

There is no right or wrong way to utilize these cards. They’ve been created in partnership with Spirit to encourage you. My wish is that you’ll turn to these cards for inspiration and insight and that you’ll know that you’re not alone in your work. Spirit loves you.

With love,

Psychic Medium Melissa White